Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Picture Overload!

I have some extra pictures of my Cake so Im going to put them all in one post for enjoyment!

My Cake in her crib. She loves every single one of her friends that are in her crib. She insits that they all stay in there at all times and she rearranges them daily so that they are in the right place.

Cake is always so happy in her crib!

Cake is also my Twilight lover. I read the books to her daily. I read a handful of pages to her each night while she is in the bath tub. Sometimes I will read to her while we are both laying in bed and she will fall asleep while I am reading to her. Its adorable. But other times she will steal the book from me and decide that its her turn to read it!

1 comment:

  1. awwwwww (I type that a lot) :) Too cute. I love when Sass curls up next to me...so sweet!
