Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Picture Overload!

I have some extra pictures of my Cake so Im going to put them all in one post for enjoyment!

My Cake in her crib. She loves every single one of her friends that are in her crib. She insits that they all stay in there at all times and she rearranges them daily so that they are in the right place.

Cake is always so happy in her crib!

Cake is also my Twilight lover. I read the books to her daily. I read a handful of pages to her each night while she is in the bath tub. Sometimes I will read to her while we are both laying in bed and she will fall asleep while I am reading to her. Its adorable. But other times she will steal the book from me and decide that its her turn to read it!


So I did Cake's hair the other day in some piggys and added some corker bows. I loved it! I was

told she looked like a goof ball but since I thought she looked adorable I won!

She loves getting her hair done after I get her dressed. She sits there like a patient little thing and when I am done I always tell her how pretty and beautiful she looks. Whe I tell her that she is pretty she tilts her head to the side and makes a cutie smile. I love it!

This is what her hair looked like when I took the piggys out!!!!


Monday, March 9, 2009

Pasta time

Ugh we have colds in this house right now. Cake was a snotty mess a few days ago and then she lovingly passed it on to me. What sweet sharing girl...

We move officially next Saturday! Im so excited. No more apartments. Cause they are lame:)

Cake had her first bowl of pasta with sauce the other day. She loves noodles but she never was really too interested in the sauce. I tried again with her and she loved it! I swear she ate 2 bowls! The big macaroni noodles are her favorite. She can pick them up really easily and will sometimes poke at them with her fork.

She managed to stay mostly clean. I swear, this kid hates getting dirty from food. Dirt and other stuff is a different story though. But when she eats she tries really hard to keep the mess to a minimum. Its humorous. She mostly gets it on her face. With the pasta though she some how ended up with it all in her hair and in her ear. But none on her clothes!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Okay so I feel like I am constantly slacking and then having to catch up. And I mean that in every aspect of my life. I really need to get my act together!

On Sunday we went to go sign out lease papers for our new place. We move March 15th and I am sooooo excited! I cant wait to get out of our apartment and into a house! And it has a HUGE yard. Cake will be able to run around outside all summer long and be a messy dirty toddler. And we will have enough room for a woof woof. Which is exciting for all of us!

Onto the pictures!

So before we went to sign our papers on Sunday we decided to stop and get some lunch. I was craving sushi so thats what we had! Cake had some veggie tempura and kind of liked it but was more interested in her goldfish. The sushi chef there was laughing at her playing with her fish container and said she was having baby cake sushi!

And I can never get enough of cake in the outfit she is wearing. Its a little one piece that is a halter top with little shorts. I love that where we live it was 91 degrees on Sunday! In the middle of "winter"!!! We never get much of a winter here but 91????? That was a little ridiculous!

This was the cup that they served my beverage in (it was just water)!!! But they said they serve alllll drinks in this cup- even sake!! Can this even be called a cup though? It seriously was the size of a mixing bowl! I couldnt imagine drinking alcohol out of that. Talk about not being able to get up off the floor!!!